


The security of your website is paramount. 70% of websites being hackable, it is crucial to take proactive measures to safeguard your online presence. That’s where Deepscan, a verified Fiverr PRO and Top Rated Seller, comes into play. He has expertise in Quality Assurance, Ethical Hacking, and Web Programming spanning over 20 years, Deepscan offers comprehensive penetration testing services to identify vulnerabilities and provide actionable recommendations for securing your site. His deep crawl and analysis process ensures a thorough examination of your website, leaving no stone unturned. Its commitment to accuracy sets Deepscan apart, with a high detection rate and low false positives. This means you can trust their results to pinpoint real vulnerabilities that need immediate attention.

His team of experts goes beyond the technical aspect by offering a cybersecurity consultation tailored to your specific needs. This personalized guidance equips you with the knowledge to fortify your website against potential threats effectively. Deepscan’s dedication to customer satisfaction knows no bounds, as they proudly serve clients worldwide from their base in Canada. 

Don’t wait for hackers to exploit your vulnerabilities; take action today to secure your website with Deepscan. Safeguard your website, protect sensitive information, and fortify your online presence now!



Frequently Asked Questions

Will he hack someone for me to gain access to their privileged information?Absolutely not. Deepscan is an Ethical Hacker offering services to help others secure their information against criminals. Any requests to perform illegal activities will be denied. No exceptions.
What languages does he support?He can Penetration Test websites in every language and he communicate in English.
Can he White Label the report or use my branding?Absolutely! He would be happy to rebrand the report with your company name and logo or remove his branding. Simply select his Rebrand Report Gig Extra and be sure to provide your company name and logo (png) when ordering.
Can I see samples of the reports he provides?Certainly! he has a sample report available for his Premium Package. See his gallery or contact him and he will provide it to you.
What is his Penetration Testing methodology?He uses a variety of Award Winning tools and proven techniques to examine and identify security vulnerabilities. He analyzes and provides the information to you in a manner that is easy to understand enabling you to take corrective action quickly.